full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Christoph Niemann: You are fluent in this language (and don't even know it)

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I can have more fun. But of course, I know that eventually things become so obsruce that I start losing some of you. So as a designer, it's absolutely key to have a good udinrtndensag of the visual and cultural vaouabrlcy of your audience. With this image here, a comment on the Olympics in Athens, I asumesd that the reader of the "New Yorker" would have some rudimentary idea of Greek art. If you don't, the imgae doesn't work. But if you do, you might even appreciate the small detail, like the beer-can pattern here on the bottom of the vase.

Open Cloze

I can have more fun. But of course, I know that eventually things become so _______ that I start losing some of you. So as a designer, it's absolutely key to have a good _____________ of the visual and cultural __________ of your audience. With this image here, a comment on the Olympics in Athens, I _______ that the reader of the "New Yorker" would have some rudimentary idea of Greek art. If you don't, the _____ doesn't work. But if you do, you might even appreciate the small detail, like the beer-can pattern here on the bottom of the vase.


  1. obscure
  2. assumed
  3. understanding
  4. vocabulary
  5. image

Original Text

I can have more fun. But of course, I know that eventually things become so obscure that I start losing some of you. So as a designer, it's absolutely key to have a good understanding of the visual and cultural vocabulary of your audience. With this image here, a comment on the Olympics in Athens, I assumed that the reader of the "New Yorker" would have some rudimentary idea of Greek art. If you don't, the image doesn't work. But if you do, you might even appreciate the small detail, like the beer-can pattern here on the bottom of the vase.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
reading images 2

Important Words

  1. absolutely
  2. art
  3. assumed
  4. athens
  5. audience
  6. bottom
  7. comment
  8. cultural
  9. designer
  10. detail
  11. eventually
  12. fun
  13. good
  14. greek
  15. idea
  16. image
  17. key
  18. losing
  19. obscure
  20. olympics
  21. pattern
  22. reader
  23. rudimentary
  24. small
  25. start
  26. understanding
  27. vase
  28. visual
  29. vocabulary
  30. work